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Is Praying On The Mount Effective?
Many people believe that praying on the mountain is just superstition, while others are on the mountain almost every day. But does praying on the mountain have any effect? Is the practice biblical? Isn't it better to pray at home or at church? I will answer these questions for you in three topics. Check it out:
There are testimonies: many people report that they were only able to get a job, get married, pass a public exam, receive healings, receive deliverance from sins, receive spiritual gifts and other blessings from God after praying on the mountain.
The practice is biblical - we have examples of people who prayed on the mountain in the Holy Bible. The most famous are Moses in Exodus 19:23, Elijah in 1 Kings 18:36 and Jesus in Luke 6:12. Of all of them, Jesus was the one who prayed on the mountain the most.
When possible, it is better to pray on the mountain: It is not always possible to pray on the mountain due to work and study commitments, but when possible, it is better to pray there than somewhere else because it is a specific place for prayer and therefore there are no other people to talk to us or cell phones, computers, tablets and others to distract us. God is everywhere, but we are not attentive to his voice everywhere. The isolation of the mountain enhances our relationship with God.
Bible verse about praying on the mountain: ''Jesus went to the Mount of Olives with his disciples, told them to pray, and then he went away to pray alone. He prayed fervently and his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. An angel from heaven appeared to comfort him. When Jesus got up, he found the disciples sleeping and told them to get up and pray.'' Luke 22:39
God wants to bless your life and give you a personal relationship with him. Do not stop seeking God's presence. He is present in the lives and hearts of those who seek Him. Don't miss out on experiencing the joy of being in His presence.