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How to Deal with depression?
''But he went into the desert, a day's journey, and sat down under a juniper tree; and asked for death for himself, and said: It is enough, O Lord; Now take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” 1 Kings 19:4
Our e-book: How to Deal with Depression is now on sale on Amazon.com.br? 1 Kings 19: 3 to 15. With just 15 pages, the e-book (digital book) was made for those who do not have the habit of reading large books, but want to understand more about how to deal with the symptoms and challenges of depression. The approach is complete, taking into account both the spiritual and scientific points of view.
Additionally, you will learn more about the Holy Bible. You will understand more deeply about the text of 1 Kings 19: 3 to 15, the details and minutiae that make all the difference in your relationship with God. Elijah was a unique man, he single-handedly defeated (with only divine help) hundreds of false prophets, but he was still a man. Discouragement took over him at a certain point.
If you are also like Elias, discouraged, distressed, anguished, thinking about suicide, sad, perplexed, disappointed or melancholy, be sure to purchase this work. Just click here to access this message from God for your life. For now only in Portuguese. We will soon make it available in English.